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Home > Chart analysis | The Best Stock Traders in India
Posted on October 15, 2016 01:31 pm
While Swing Traders use the Closing price of the day for their market analysis, Day traders Should focus on opening price during the day trading hours.
Any given Point of time if you see the Opening price vs High and Opening price vs Low , you would know who is under control. The Bulls or the Bears
Once you identify the Direction its easy to place trades only in that direction. The best days are when there is narrow difference or no difference between open prices and high / low as it shows clear control of one side.
One example from yesterday: Oct 14th : Petronet : Bullish Condition
Open : 382.95 Low : 382.95 Clos : 389.20 high : 389.5 : Open was = low indicating strong Bulls and close vs high is also near
You can see thru out the day the prices of low was equal to the open , constantly telling bulls are having perfect control .
An example of Open Low from yesterday: oct 14th : Dr. Reddy : Bearish Condition
There are other open price stratgey like If Prices does not cross the first candle high and low it would be choppy. Much more can be understood. If you are interested to learn further , I take one to one Advanced Price Action course. the Content of the course which you cant read either in books or in youtube . Do call or wats app at 7373339777 for course details.
The Example from Bank nifty : oct 14th where prices traded choppy within the open candle range. A day trader should avoid these kind of scripts for intraday.
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